When it comes to the Chinese New Year, the most popular mythology will be the story of Nian. Living in the mountains, this beast will come out during the season of spring and attack villagers, especially children. Despite ferocious, Nian is found to be fearful to loud noises and the colour, red. When spring arrives, these villagers created loud banging noises, firing of firecrackers and wore red to chase Nian away. After this havoc event, Nian hid itself away and never harms the villagers again. Today, the Chinese Lion dance imitates this mythological event by clashing loud noises and wearing red robes during their stunning performances. This mythology turned into a tradition during the Chinese New Year.
Another great legendary story was the race of the twelve zodiac animals, where they have to cross a river and reach the meeting place. Originated in China, the earliest depictions of the twelve zodiacs is founded in 533 BC, before the birth of Buddha. It flourished during the Han Dynasty for the use of recording time, Feng Shui analysis and astrology.
[bctt tweet=”The Chinese astrology depicts a 12 year mathematical cycle using zodiacs.”]
With the Chinese New Year 2016 falling on February 8, many shops have started to stack up delightful snacks in red packagings such as Butter Almond Cookies, Peanut Cookies and Bak Kwa Cookies. Chinese restaurants are also preparing their Chinese New Year reunion dinner menu for the eve of this important event. Symbolising a brand new year, it is a tradition for Chinese to put on new clothes and shoes on the first day of the Chinese New Year.
[bctt tweet=”Eating sweet snacks and candies symbolises a sweet New Year for the Chinese.”]
To make this important Chinese event more easily understood for the non-Chinese peers, below is an infographic of the 10 Fun Facts About Chinese New Year.